Saturday 24 July 2010

Stiff Necked

Another sign of progress occurs to me, or at the least of cultural mores and habits.
Whilst the poor old Victorians, in the advent of photography had to be strapped into devices that from behind resembled Death Row's Old Sparky, with bits and braces to keep their necks rigid and spines taught, and no doubt laced by the photographer's assistant with enough laudanum to stop Isambard Kingdom Brunel from messing with meccano, in case the otherwise resulting 'camera wobble' caused them to resemble a knee's up at St-Vitus dance with poker faced grimaces that stretched the entire width of the plate (and this from folk who would photograph their recently dead kin also) - we shall be seen in entirely different light.
That's it, and I shall christen it 'the lonely facebook quarter turn hump'. In years to come our progeny, who I'm sure shall still not be whizzing about in Jetson type flying cars, for they shall have been surely irradiated by global warming and the chance of a half decent day of sun worship getting piles on the pebbles of Brighton beach, shall look up (those 2 headed burnt faced survivors of mankind's folly) on another trend, fondly, warmly, or puzzling?
Puzzling over this shrug, the self-portrait flagrante which shows a welcoming face, but off-turned shoulder as one's aged relative must have waddled over a Red Bull and Tuaca Frappe and in a moment of inspiration thought 'Heavens, the tip of my sulking chin looks fabulous tonight, especially in these Crocs' and flash-bang-wallop, another self-portrait and a shoulder complaint is born.
Chiroprator's shall rule the world.

I've immediately discovered the point of my blog - to teach myself punctuation.

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